February 15, 2012

My family

I really like bragging about my family, and this is going to be one of those posts.

I was born in 1991. it seems like such a long way off. I had a big sister B, and she was my rock, i used to hold her hand everywhere. I love her so so much, only second to my mum who was my number one. You see, me and my mummy have this love-love relationship. Rarely do we clash heads, if we do, I would end up apologising. Yes, only me. So we were the threesome up to 1998, me, B and mummy.  Oh, and  my paps. Heeheehee. About that, I have a very traditional relationship with my father. We keep a respectful distance, I almost kneel when he comes back home, cook for him when he needs food, and basically do daughter stuff that doesn't involve going to the park, playing ball and eating lollies with my dad. I just cannot see that happening. I don't think I've ever had a daddy-daughter moment. Its not how we operate. That is our family dynamic. Then, my mum and dad discuss everything that regards us, and when my mum isn't around, they will still talk about it first. I love that dynamic, cos if there's a beauty in us being closer and more personal with mummy.

Back to the nuclear family tree, in 1998, as if by surprise, I was 7 years old and someone was going to join our family. That baby bump! 0.o I don't really remember asking where the baby came from, but I know I was super excited for a baby brother/sister. Of course everyone thought it would be a boy. Well, it was a girl!! Yeay! I was excited waiting for dad and mum to come back from the hospital, and me and B were saying silly things I swear, we didn't even make sense, like how small her toes were and her gums and weird weird stuff. Then we just sat there in silence imagining the reality of the new addition to our family.

Then there was a key jingling at the door. We literally JUMPED up and in slow jerkycuriousnervous movements we walked toward the door as my dad opened the door with the precious little bundle in his arms and a load of baby bags. She was soooo "Awwwwww'. My mum sat down with her and we all cooed and aaaa-ed, and touched and peeked and almost cried at her presence. She was so beautiful. Her name is E. So me, B and E became the 3 sisters. She was forced to grow up quicker, well because there was such a big age gap. I remember my mum ALWAYS saying, she is a lot younger than you guys, stop treating her like that, she can't do that, its a bit too much for her...etc. But E is a star, I love the relationship we have. She is talkative, outgoing and quite confident when she needs to be. I on the other hand, am an introvert, with little or nothing to say most of the time and I used to be super quiet. B is quite talkative and very sociable. We are the perfect blend. Funny thing, me, B and my mum are all about 5'1 and we all wear the same shoe size, we all have a large waist to hip ratio....you know like this ---> 8 . Yes! Thank you Jesus. People always confuse us for sisters just because my mum looks so young. :)

I love love my holidays with the family. All of them have been unique, and I do mean ALL!

From as far as I can remember, we have been in a different part of Kenya every December holiday. No extravagant gift giving or caroling, we just do road trip trivia and beautiful destinations. 

I thank God for my paps who always makes sure we never spend the holidays at home. Well I love my family, more that the next person, and a lil' bit less than I love my God. They are the only people who are capable of making me cry, seriously speaking. (Yes, I do not cry over boy problems, or over my nails, or my hair, or any of those important things.)

As I said in this post here I am very open, but there are hidden details like our real names and where we go for vacation. I don't really crave the stalker experience so I shall keep to 'names have been changed to protect their privacy'. If you know me then you know who am talking about. 

That's my family, they make me who I am, and they put the teeth in my smile. 

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